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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

what is realy in the Health Care Bill

Good morning,

I have read both the Health Care Bill and the Cap and Trade bill and if we do not stop this train in November, we are deep trouble. I have sent you a sampling of what I have gleaned from these and would like your feedback. Both are unconstitutional and bend, probably break several laws. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Chris Cozby

The tea parties woke me up. We had better hope that they succeed in saving this country in November. They caused me to read the health care bill and after I read it the first time, it was cause for me to read it the second time. After reading all 2409 pages for the third time, I became convinced that I should write a book “ObamaCare” by Chris Cozby. The pages of the book will describe to you what I think it means. I felt the tea parties needed the information. I will challenge any attorney or group of attorneys to read the bill and tell me what’s in it. I will be happy to debate the subject anytime, anyplace. In short, the bill says one thing; there is a dictator in our midst. I can assure you it is the Secretary of Health and Human Services. She will control every aspect of our health care.

We are now insuring an extra 45 million people of which a great portion pay no taxes. If you live at or below the poverty level, you pay no insurance premium. It is my opinion that our national debt will increase by at least one trillion dollars in the next four years. The country is already thirteen trillion dollars in debt.

The National Inflation Association (NIA) that I respect just made the following statement and I quote:

“We are now at a point where if the U.S. government taxed Americans 100% of their income, the tax receipts generated would not be enough to balance the budget. Likewise, if the U.S. government cut 100% of spending including defense, but kept paying Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we would still have a budget deficit. NIA believes that it will be impossible for the U.S. to have a balanced budget ever again.”

Can we now understand why the tea parties exist? If the NIA is right, this country is bankrupt. How is it we could elect anyone that would drive this country further in debt by passing the health care bill? And if you think the health care bill is bad, try Cap and Trade on for size.

The tea parties are appropriately named. The Boston Tea Party was the first to say “enough is enough”. I see history repeating itself. This time we can win in the voting booth not on the battlefield, but if and only if the tea parties gain the momentum that it will take to stop the insanity in Washington in November.

After reading the pages of the book I think that you will agree that we, the middle class of America, will pay for the entire health care bill. It will not affect the wealthy or the poverty stricken, the entire burden will be on our backs. I can guarantee that your taxes will skyrocket and there is absolutely no doubt that your insurance premiums will go through the roof.

A former Secretary of Treasury made the statement that the only person that he believes has actually read the entire health care bill was the type setter. He made this statement on national television and he is probably correct; except for me.

Every doctor’s office will have to report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services every aspect of his or her relationship with their patients which will triple their administrative costs. Every doctor will have to report to the Secretary every aspect of their personal investments or anything else the Secretary deems appropriate. If you are an immediate family member of a doctor, you will also be reporting to the Secretary any and all investment dealings. I assume that every doctor would deem this a tremendous invasion of his or her privacy. Anything of value that is deemed to be of value at 100 dollars USD or more must be reported to the Secretary.

Every doctor should have his professionals, whether an attorney or an accounting firm, read the entire health care bill. This bill is so far reaching into the privacy of the doctor, his spouse, his children all immediate family members that it must be repealed.

Every insurance provider that offers group or individual coverage for health care will be totally controlled in every aspect by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The reporting required by each and every insurance provider will triple the administrative expense of an insurance company and most certainly drive up premiums. Free enterprise and capitalism is no longer in existence when it comes to health care. This is not only socialistic, but the government now controls every aspect including doctors, hospitals, drug manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, etc. The insurance companies, drug companies and medical device companies must pay an annual fee to operate within the United States. Could this fee be a hidden tax? Is there anyone that would be inclined to believe that these fees will not drive insurance premiums into the stratosphere? Or at least on all middle class Americans?

The most important aspect of the health care bill is it creates a reporting scenario in which all entities must report on all other entities or there will be a fine imposed. For instance, a landlord who is leasing property to a hospital or doctor must report those dealings to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Where have we heard this before; where everyone has to tell on everyone else?

In the book written by Newt Gingrich To Save America, he states that H.R.3590 creates 159 new federal agencies. I will tell you that over 200 times in this bill it states “whatever the Secretary deems appropriate”. This is the reason that I make the statement that there is a dictator in our midst. How can any bill be a law that allows a single person to change any law in any way she deems appropriate?

I did not believe that any elected official would vote on any bill without reading what is contained therein. After reading this bill three times, I can assure everyone that they did not read it or it would not have passed. When I heard Nancy Pelosi say we will have to pass this bill so we can find out what’s in it, I knew that I would be reading this bill in its entirety. There is no way of knowing how many secret backroom deals had to be cut in order to purchase the votes needed to pass a travesty such as this. A couple of examples would be the $100 million to Nebraska, $300 million to Louisiana; how many more? Let’s us not forget that the dollars used for these bribes are our tax dollars.

We have all heard that the national debt of the United States of America is increasing at a rate of $2 million dollars every 60 seconds which equates to $2.8 billion every 24 hours. How could anyone argue with the tea parties because they ask for this debt bomb we are facing to be disarmed. One must remember that there is over $192 trillion of our currency in circulation which equates to over $600,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. One would assume that we could round up 7% of this and pay off the national debt or could it be that no one wishes for us to know where these American dollars truly are? Wait a minute; that is not the most important thing we should be concerned with. The total assets for the United States of America are $73 trillion. These assets include personal assets, non incorporated business assets, corporate assets, and non-profit organization assets. Where could the remaining $119 trillion dollars be located? One would have to assume that the rest of the world has enough of our currency to buy the total assets of the United States of America and have $43 trillion left over. To be clear, this means that every home, automobile, bank account, office building, shopping mall, bank; companies such as AT&T, Walmart, General Motors, Ford Motor Company and every other asset in America. Isn’t it strange that we can’t find $13 trillion to pay off our national debt. I think it would be appropriate for the tea parties to ask where this money is! Let us not forget that Ben Bernanke, chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve refused to tell Congress where $500 billion dollars went. Can we now understand why Ron Paul is screaming for an audit of the Federal Reserve and can’t get it?

I have been conducting extensive research into why Congress would pass any bill such as the health care bill and even consider the passage of Cap and Trade. I do not feel comfortable putting in print what I truly think the real reason H.R.3590 was passed; I’ll let you come to your own conclusion. I have also conducted extensive research into the Cap and Trade bill, but I do not feel comfortable in publishing those findings until after the bill is passed.

